Searchable Bibliography

Our searchable bibliography will allow you to browse and easily find a list of curated sources pertaining to aromanticism, asexuality, and its related subject matters. To maximize the relevancy of the search results, these are our recommended steps to using the bibliography.

  1. Select the tags you are interested in the advanced filters such as affect, adolescence. Tags were manually assigned by our research team to each resource to ensure they are relevant.
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Claudie ArseneaultDeath, Stillness, and Exile--Three Prongs of Asexual Imagery in Fiction2017aphobia; asexual; asexual reading/theory; community; death; dehumanization; literary analysis/theory; literature; narrative; otherness; representation; romantic
Elijah G. StuckiCompulsory Sexuality and Amatonormativity in Higher Education: A Photovoice Study with Asexual and Aromantic Students2019amatonormativity; aromantic; art; asexual; asexual reading/theory; AVEN; colonialism; coming out; community; community-building; compulsory sexuality; corrective assault; definitions; dehumanization; disability; gender; HSDD; identity; intersectionality; kinship; LGBTQ; mental illness; nonbinary; otherness; pathologization; queer; race; romantic; sexual violence; social construct; trans
Simone ChessOpting Out: Anorexia, Asexuality, and Early Modern Women2020anorexia; asexual; asexual reading/theory; disability; disability theory/studies; early modern; greensickness; history; intersectionality; literary analysis/theory; literature; mental illness; queer; queer theory; reproduction; virginity
Tamara DeutschAsexual People's Experience with Microaggressions2018aromantic; asexual; coming out; corrective assault; definitions; dehumanization; discrimination; gatekeeping; gray-asexuality; HSDD; infantilization; LGBTQ; media; mental illness; pathologization; psychology; repulsion/aversion; sexual violence; split attraction; visibility
Aasha Brianna FosterMeasuring Social Invisibility and Erasure: Development of the Asexual Microaggressions Scale2018asexual; asexual continuum; AVEN; compulsory sexuality; definitions; desexualization; disability; discrimination; HSDD; interdisciplinary; intersectionality; LGBTQ; mental illness; pathologization; psychology; race; romantic; split attraction; visibility
Caleb LunaRomantic Love is Killing Us: Who Takes Care of Us When We're Single?2018amatonormativity; aromantic; colonialism; gender; intersectionality; mental illness; platonic; race; romantic
Anna KurowickaAsexual Affects: What Abjection, Anxiety, and Shame Have to Do with Asexuality2015asexual; asexual reading/theory; celibacy; compulsory sexuality; death; identity; LGBTQ; mental illness; pathologization; psychology; queer; queer theory; repulsion/aversion; trauma
Lyan Ezra WeberHealth in the context of outness of people on the aromantic spectrum2021alloromantic; amatonormativity; aromantic; aromantic spectrum; coming out; health; LGBTQ; mental illness; pathologization; quantitative methods
GrzankaJUNE CARNIVAL OF AROS ENTRY: A BIG MENTAL EXERCISE2019amatonormativity; aromantic; Carnival of Aros; marriage; media